Friday, January 06, 2012

Election entertainment.

If I had a million dollars I would gladly give that to be in the US from now till presidential elections in November. Americans surely have the most entertaining elections in the world. From the mildly weird to the seriously wacko you get all kinds of candidates and even the weirdest has some supporters who will turn out with music and badges and fliers. The Republicans see a real chance in making Obama a one term president and are holding primaries to select their candidate. This gives Obama a financial advantage in that he does not have to spend any money until the Republican challenger is known. The Republicans have gone with men whose names have 4 letters. There is Mitt, a Rick, another Rick, Newt and Paul. Cain had to drop out after several women alleged that he was able. Michele is out after receiving just 5% of votes in Ohio. Not because she said some strange things like HPV vaccine making women mental, in which case Ron Paul should not come third with 21.4% because he seems to be mental without HPV. Michele should have been aware that uterus is known as hysterus and so women were said to be hysterical. That is so last century. The race now moves on to New Hampshire where a Jon Huntsman is lurking with intent. To be in the US to see all the excitement, razzmatazz and debates would be the ultimate entertainment. Here in India elections are boring with the same old men, podgy women and family members. Political parties are gangs controlled by families, each with its territory. Candidates are selected by gang bosses and inflicted on the people who have the painful duty of selecting between a bunch of ugly criminals. Of all the bosses the Capo is the most powerful. In UP 2 fellows were thrown out by the ruling BSP for corruption and the BJP immediately embraced them even offering them constituencies to contest until an outcry in the press forced them to do an about turn. This is the party which was most vocal about the need for a strong Lokpal. For Congress Sukh Ram is still avoiding prison by pretending to be unconscious in hospital. Mubarak already did that in Egypt. You would think that judges would see through such sham but no one dares to mess with the Congress. If only it as not so boring. Suicidal.

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