Wednesday, June 09, 2010

The Union Carbide saga has at last reached its end. Two year jail sentences and Rs. 100000 in fines for the accused. Fittingly the verdict has come when the Congress is in power as it was when the tragedy occurred. It is no surprise that the Congress has allowed Union Carbide to win over Indians and is allowing Dow Chemicals, which bought Union Carbide, to do business here. One Robert Blake of the US Sate Department has hoped that this verdict will bring closure to the victims and will not affect the Nuclear Liability bill. This must be the most brutally callous insult ever. Let me assure Mr. Blake that there will never be closure. Closure is for the victors. As happened after World War II when Germany was occupied by four powers and the Nazis were tried and hanged. Closure could also be possible for North Vietnam, even though they suffered terribly, because they won. Closure is never possible for the losers. It is a wound which will fester for ever especially as the criminal bastard, Anderson is living in comfort in Long Island and will not be hanged. Less than three thousand died on 9/11 and in revenge the your country has taken more than half a million lives in Afghanistan and Iraq. More than 15000 have already died in Bhopal and more will die of the consequences of the crime while the site is still heavily contaminated and you talk of closure. It is another matter that we cannot revenge ourselves on your country because we are weak, because Congress has always betrayed us and because you blackmail criminal politicians with ease. Rejoice your victory but do not insult us with talk of closure. Who knows, maybe some day.

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