Friday, June 11, 2010

Today's front page of the Times of India is dominated by the Congress party. At the top, the ongoing saga of the Union Carbide massacre of people of Bhopal. Some 26 years after the massacre a steady drip drip of revelations is building a picture of Congress complicity in the crime. Those who were officers in the state government at that time are now saying that Anderson was released on the orders of the then Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh, Mr. Arjun Singh who got his orders from the then Prime Minister, Mr. Rajiv Gandhi who, in turn, got his orders from Ronald Reagan. Who the hell was Reagan to give orders to the Prime Minister of India and why did he obey? Near the middle of the page a photograph of the current Prime Minister, Mr. Singh shaking hands with one Douglas Devananda who has accompanied the President of Sri Lanka, Mr. Rajapaksa on a state visit to India. Seems that there is an outstanding warrant for the arrest of Mr. Devananda from a sessions court in Tamil Nadu for shooting to death one person and injuring four others in Central Chennai in 1986. He absconded and has been declared a proclaimed offender by the court. He should been arrested as soon as he set foot in India or at least Mr. Rajapaksa should have been told that this fellow is not welcome here. Instead he is being greeted with full protocol. Would he have dared set foot in any western country which had an arrest warrant pending for him? Shows the contempt the Congress has for our courts. Next to that picture is the news that Pacheco, minister in the Congress government of Goa is absconding after the death of his friend Nadia Torrado in suspicious circumstances. India is ruled by a gang called Congress.

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