Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Criminal Bureau of Investigation, CBI has found that health ministry officials connived in granting medical colleges affiliations in exchange for money. Former chief of the Medical Council of India, MCI Dr. Ketan Desai was arrested for demanding Rs. 20 million from a private medical college for granting recognition. Now CBI is investigating over sixty such colleges which were granted recognition in the last three years. The agency has questioned top health ministry officials but has not arrested anyone as yet. The CBI has conducted raids on two medical colleges, one in Bareilly and one in UP, which were denied recognition three times by the MCI but were granted recognition by health ministry officials is exchange for vast sums of money. So what is new about this? Barring an extremely small group of individuals the entire civil service consists of thieves and bandits. Only those with criminal tendencies would want to spend their entire lives uselessly shifting files from one desk to another, being despised by every Indian and having to obey orders from low class criminal politicians. Imagine spending your entire adult life doing nothing constructive, watching colleagues and seniors taking bribes or stealing from helpless people who have come for help, covering up crimes of predatory thugs such as Rathore and bending over to sleazy politicians that make your skin crawl. In the past higher rungs of the civil service attracted good students from all over India but today they come mainly from states which also supply most of the notorious criminals in the country. Of course, no one is going to carry out such an audit.

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