Tuesday, June 08, 2010

It has been a ' save Iran ' conspiracy all along. Now we learn that Iran is threatening to send Revolutionary Guards with the next flotilla trying to break Israeli blockade of Gaza. So there will be Hamas, Hezbollah, the Revolutionary Guards, Turkish islamists and the usual fanatics from Pakistan, Jordan and maybe Chechenya. It is hard to imagine a more detestable collection of psychopaths in the history of the world. Add to that an assortment of antisemites disguised as liberals from Europe and you have an army Jew haters determined to wipe Israel off the map. Iran has been under great pressure for its covert nuclear program and Ahmadinejad has no legitimacy after cheating in last year's elections. The Ayatollahs have not earned any respect by supporting theft of the elections and then orchestrating the killings that followed. Iran desperately wants to divert attention from its crimes and thus hatched this plot with the Islamic government in Turkey which is miffed at not being allowed to join the European Union. However Israel is not a collection of unarmed women and college students that the Basij can beat up, rape and kill at will. So far the US and European governments have censured Israel for the botched raid on the last Gaza flotilla which killed nine Turkish islamists, especially as Turkey is a NATO member, but if Israelis were to die at the hands of Iranian thugs then the equation might change. Iran is playing a dangerous game of oneupmanship and if it overplays its hand it might start an all out war which it cannot win. Let us hope it is just playing to the gallery at home and is just posturing.

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