Monday, June 14, 2010

According to report by the London School of Economics, ' Pakistan appears to be playing a double game of astonishing magnitude. It also says, ' This report is consistent with Pakistan's political history in which civilian leaders actively backed jihadi groups in Afghanistan and Kashmir.' Seems that Paki President, Asif Ali Zardari went to meet Taliban prisoners at a secret prison in Pakistan in April and told them, ' You are our people, we are friends, and after your release we will, of course, support you to do your operations.' What a surprise? It has taken 50 years for white skins to acknowledge what India has been saying all along. Even after 9/11, which was planned and set up by the ISI in Pakistan, they were in denial but now that more and more US and NATO soldiers are dying in Afghanistan they are beginning to realise that they are suckers in Pakistan's games. To get out they must eradicate the Taliban which is impossible without clearing out the safe havens in Pakistan which the Pakis are never going to allow because they are using the pretence of this fight to get more and more aid. To stay on In Afghanistan means loss of more lives and unpopularity at home. So now this report to put more pressure on the Pakis. The reason why nobody listened to India all these years is because of our weak governments led by the Congress. Every time we won a war against Pakistan with considerable loss of life Congress prime ministers returned the gains for nothing. Our politicians think that by being weak to our enemies they become more popular in the world. What they do not realise is that they are despised abroad as they are at home.

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