Wednesday, May 12, 2010

So, Gordon Brown has resigned as Prime Minister of Britain. He waited while negotiations were going on between the Conservatives and the LibDems and when it became clear that a deal was in the offing he resigned thus retaining his dignity and respect. He could have tried to retain his post by trying to form a coalition with the LibDems, the Scottish Nationalists, Plaid Cymru of Wales and some of the Northern Ireland parties by offering everyone a ministerial post so that Britain ended up with 83 ministers. But he did not in the interest of the country. On the other side although David Cameron was desperate to become prime minister he was not going to give in to LibDem demands just to get there. That is why it took five days of negotiations to get a working coalition. The negotiations were as much about policies as about posts. The economy, education, immigration, defence, tax changes, electoral reform, banking reform and european union have all been discussed and compromise positions reached. Whether the deal will work in the long term is anybody's guess but at least it was not all about grabbing as many cabinet posts as possible with a view to looting the country. Sitting in India it is strange to see that they were not fighting to get a post where one could get bribes of Rs. 50 billion from two companies in exchange for getting licenses at throw away prices. Journalists played their part by asking tough questions about moral right to form a government. Perhaps that in the end is the difference. Indian journalists are free loading beggars always protecting criminals masquerading as politicians.

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