Saturday, May 15, 2010

Seems that the Commonwealth Games to be held in Delhi shortly is going to cost fifteen, yes fifteen times the original estimate. Apparently it was estimated that it would cost Rs. 18.99 billions to hold the games but it is going to cost 15 times as much. This is a small item tucked away in the middle pages of today's newspaper. As is normal in India there is no outcry, no campaign by the freeloading press about waste of public money and no call to account of the Delhi government by the opposition. As for the people they are so busy just trying to survive with erratic power supply, disruptions in water supply, broken roads, rising prices, water logging after a short shower, a brutal unhelpful police, sky rocketing school fees and absence of afordable health services that they are unable to muster up the strength to protest. Taxes on everything including patrol have been increased to pay for this meaningless show. Beer prices have gone up by Rs. 10 which is a 25% rise. Schools have been asked to stay closed during the period of the games which will put working parents under enormous strain. Office goers will find it impossible to cross over from east to west Delhi. There is no guarantee that leading athletes of Commonwealth countries will attend due to the security situation and no one pays any attention to records earned in these games anyway. This is a grand opportunity for politicians, civil servants and contractors to make billions in black and for ugly politicians to have their pictures on tv. No one asked Delhi citizens if they wanted this colossal inconvenience and expense. A referendum must be held before any such event is contemplated in the future.

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