Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Recent elections in Britain have thrown up a hung parliament wherein no party has absolute majority. Although they have lost seats the LibDems are playing kingmaker. Their primary demand is that the voting system must be changed from the present ' first past the post system ' to proportional representation which would reflect voter preference more accurately. The Conservatives who are the largest party oppose this because this would result in permanent hung parliaments and future prime ministers will be chosen by negotiations rather than directly by the people. The present Prime Minister Gordon Brown muddied waters yesterday by saying that he was going to step down as leader of the Labour Party by september which left the door open for a coalition between LibDems and Labour. How refreshing and shocking for Indians to see a politician offering to step aside for a different leader. Here in India that would be unthinkable. No politician will resign even if old, decrepit and incontinent or if suffering from terminal illness. Each filthy stinking old man has brought in his criminal children to take over from him. The country is divided into areas controlled by one family which extorts, rapes and loots that area for generations rather like the mafia has been doing in Sicily. The British complain that their politicians are too elite in that most are highly educated having been to public schools such as Eton and then to Oxford or Cambridge. This, they complain, makes their politicians out of touch with the commoners. How different to India. Here we have the filthiest scum who have won elections with guns and black money and there is no way to get rid of them unless entire families are wiped out.

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