Thursday, May 27, 2010

Seems that and American academic, Sasha Polakow-Suransky has obtained ' top secret ' minutes of a meeting between top officials from Israel and South Africa in 1975 which tend to ' prove ' that Israel has nuclear weapons. Apparently the then South African defence minister, P.W. Botha asked the then Israeli defence minster, Shimon Peres for warheads and was offered them in ' three sizes '. The South Africans asked for nuclear capable Jericho missiles and obtained an affirmative answer. The report does not say if the missiles were actually supplied and if they were what happened to them after the end of apartheid. This is old rubbish being recycled as some new revelation of proof of Israel possessing nuclear weapons. Israel has never confirmed or denied possessing nuclear weapons but it has long been assumed as a fact. In those days there were strong rumors that Israel had tested a nuclear warhead in South Africa and it was common knowledge that the apartheid regime helped Israel in every way so as to obtain oil shipments routed through Israel because it was unable to do so openly due to its pariah status. So why is all this old rubbish being rehashed at this time. Since Obama was elected President he has been pressuring Israel to stop settlement building and accept a two state solution dictated by the US. This is probably a not so subtle ploy to embarrass Israel while constantly announcing US support for the country. An Indian delegation is going to the US for discussions shortly. They would do well not to believe anything that this administration says and judge it strictly on action. Nothing is more dangerous than an ambitious gasbag.

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