Wednesday, May 26, 2010

After the sinking of a warship by a North Korean torpedo South Korea has frozen all contacts with the North. South Korea is also taking its complaint to the UN to get the UN to increase sanctions on North Korea. In retaliation the North has cut of all relations with the South and threatened war which is its only weapon because it is economically totally dependent on foreign aid. Like North Korea Pakistan is also a bankrupt failed state with nuclear weapons totally dependent of foreign aid from the US, the middle east and China. Like North Korea exists only to try and hurt the South Pakistan's only reason for existence is to try and hurt India in any way. However, unlike South Korea which takes a tough line with the North India rewards Pakistan with unilateral peace overtures, increased trade offers, direct train services, allowing Pakistanis to come to India for treatment and allowing them to make money working in Indian cinema some or all of which is donated to terrorists to mount more attacks against India. We can understand that the Indian government is terrified of a civil war in Pakistan with consequent break up of the country and millions of filthy Pakis flooding across the border as refugees just as Bangladeshis have been doing for over two decades. That is why the government is trying desperately to boost the civilian government of Pakistan by rewarding it so that it has something to brag about at home. How did we get here after 63 years of independence? Because we have been repeatedly betrayed by the Congress. From refusing the UN Security Council seat to Tashkent to Shimla the Congress has repeatedly sold the country for nothing in return. We are now reaping death.

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