Wednesday, May 05, 2010

George Bush had shoes thrown at him and Obama has just been rewarded with a crude bomb in Times Square in New York. However Obama has an advantage over Bush. He is a lawyer and that means his skin has to be at least 1000 times thicker than Bush's ever was. Since he has come to power this Paki lover has been showering gifts on Pakistan. F 16s? Sure. Smart bomb kits? Take one thousand. Night vision equipment? Take as many as you like. Money? How much you want? $ 10 billion? Take fifteen, even though the US treasury is skint. So what is Pakistan going to do with all this sophisticated killing instruments. Hopefully they will fight and finish the Taliban, bring peace to Afghanistan and the US army will come home to tearful embraces while the band plays on. The public will be oh so grateful that they will vote for Obama for a second time and there he will be on stage with his family spouting hot air, which he does best, while the Pakistan army is using all the newly acquired hardware to kill innocent Indians. Now he has been given a poke in the eye. The man arrested and charged with placing the bomb in Times Square is called Faisal Shahzad who is a naturalised US citizen. He is of Pakistani origin and son of a retired Vice Air Marshal. This not only shows that, regardless of what Obama says, Pakistan is not a friend of the US but also the intimate connection between terrorists and the Paki armed forces. Will Obama learn anything from this incident? Alas, no. He will just spout his customary garbage about how this is an aberration and that Pakis are mainly good chaps. A gasbag in charge of 5000 nukes. Scary.

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