Friday, April 16, 2010

To file a case at the Supreme Court you need to go through a lawyer unless you do it in person. The Supreme Court has appointed such lawyers after a test and they are called Advocates-on-record. Since every case has to go through these lawyers they must be earning phenomenal amounts of money. Yet it appears that they just lend their names to the case and do not do anything to earn their fees. Two benches called this ' rampant unethical practice '.The Court said that ' The advocates-on-record do not appear when matters are listed before the court, nor do they take any interest or responsibility for processing or conducting the case '. Every Indian knows that lawyers in India are completely unethical and untrustworthy. They charge enormous amounts of money for doing very little, they have been caught trying to bribe witnesses, they riot in courtrooms often beating up prisoners or clients and you regularly read of some lawyer involved in rape or murder. Since laws are written by lawyers they are made deliberately vague and meaningless so that one is forced to pay a lawyer to make any sense. They have Bar Councils in every court which seem to be above the law in that they seem to be able to block any attempt to reform the legal profession and make it more transparent and people friendly because the more opaque it is the more they earn. Thus the legal profession is a disease and unless it is changed completely their will be no justice. Recently doctors have been invited to a conference on medical ethics to be held in Delhi. One of the speakers is, you guessed it, a lawyer.

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