Friday, April 02, 2010

Sixty two years after independence the Congress led government has suddenly woken upto the value of universal education and has passed a Right to Education bill making it a right for every child to get an education. Is it really for the benefit of the people or just another gimmick to win elections? Poor people do not send children to school because they want children to work so as to augment family income, so will continue as they are doing at present. Millions of government school teachers are very highly paid but are poorly educated and most never turn up for work. They cannot be touched because of very strong unions. Thus children going to government schools learn nothing and are only fit for menial jobs. The bill makes it mandatory for private schools to take 25% of students from poor families. To cater to these children private schools will have to charge more fees from other children or increase class sizes which will mean that fee paying children will get poorer education. Thus this is just a sly, underhand tax on the middle class. The Congress believes in dictatorship of the North Korean kind where power is retained in the same family and like all dictatorships hates the middle class. Its power is derived from doling handouts to the poor from taxpayer money and the glorification of one family to near God like status. Thus it needs the aam aadmi to remain poor and uneducated so that the khas can continue there vice like grip on the jugular of the nation. This is the Indian version of ' democracy.'

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