Sunday, April 25, 2010

Dr. Ketan Desai, the chief of the Medical Council of India or MCI, the body which regulates the standards of medical education in the country, has been caught taking Rs. 20 million in bribes from the vice president of Gyan Sagar medical college and hospital in Patiala, Punjab. This college was denied permission to admit students for this academic year because of inadequate infrastructure. MCI was once described by the Supreme Court as a den of corruption and yet is allowed to lay down new rules regarding doctors. Delhi branch of MCI forces all to register with it and to renew registration every five years for Rs. 1000. There is no reason why this penalty has been imposed other than as a sly tax on doctors. Recently a law was passed forbidding pharmaceutical firms from giving gifts or sponsoring conferences for doctors. All these rules are for qualified medical practitioners and do not apply to quacks who practice freely all over India and freely prescribe any drug without having any knowledge as to its side effects. Recently the government has decided to give diplomas in medicine to people who will practice in villages after a short training. In other words poor villagers are to be given third rate medical care by criminal politicians whose hearts are always bleeding for the aam aadmi. Mr Desai being a doctor should in a position of influence should have fought for better medical care for patients, better facilities, better education and better working condition for doctors. Instead he chose to suck up to criminal politicians and agreed to every abomination for personal gain. His arrest is a cause for great celebration.

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