Sunday, April 11, 2010

George Bush squandered a budget surplus by giving out unnecessary tax refunds and created a fiscal mess. The UK and the US created the subprime crisis by deregulating banks to the extent that no one knew the amount of leveraging going on including the bank chiefs. The previous government in Greece actively falsified accounts with the help of Goldman Sachs. Politicians everywhere think that winning an election is a blank check to do whatever they like and will cling on to power no matter how much damage they do to the country. Even by such low standards Abhisit Vejjajiva of Thailand has gone beyond limit. Brought into power by collusion between the elite, the army and the courts he refuses to call fresh elections and ordered the army to use live rounds killing at least 18 protesters yesterday thus pushing the country towards civil war. In India the central and state governments are frantically raising taxes to finance the luxuries enjoyed by criminal politicians and useless parasitic uncivil servants. They have absolutely no hesitation in wasting our hard earned money to buy luxury planes, going abroad with their criminal drug addict children and bribing useless parasitic uncivil servants with undeserved salary hikes in the Sixth Pay Commission just to win the elections. This has to stop. Somehow the people of the world have to unite and demand a written code of conduct for politicians which may not be broken under any condition and overseen by corporations of citizens. Politicians have too much power which attracts all kinds of criminals and megalomaniacs. Their power must be reduced if the world is to survive.

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