Sunday, October 11, 2009

Working in a lab in Cambridge Venkataraman Ramakrishnan has managed to win this year's Nobel Prize in chemistry along with two other scientists. Predictably the press has gone hyper in writing paeans of congratulations to him. What noone is talking about is why Indians never get anything working in the country. This is not something the freeloading press likes to explore. There lots of brilliant people in India but they can never achieve anything worthwhile because they will not be allowed to. All scientific establishments are headed by kleptocrats. These are a species of lifeform quite distinct from normal humans. Kleptocrats are crooks by nature or to put it in another way only those with criminal tendencies opt for this career. They have no decency or dignity and are willing to perform any act, however humiliating or nefarious, to please their political masters so as to obtain a promotion or a plum posting. They are despised by the people and often by their own children so they will not allow anyone to accomplish anything laudable. Above this will be a criminal politician. To be fair politicians in India are usually not bothered with small details as long as they are able to amass a substantial amount of loot, indulge their physical pleasures and prepare the means for their drug abusing, criminal children to continue in their profitable paths. Nobel in criminality? Absolutely.

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