Sunday, October 25, 2009

Hilarity has greeted the news that George Bush is to be paid to give a lecture on ' How to master the art of effective leadership ' at a Get Motivated seminar. And why not? After all the great american people, in their wisdom, voted for him twice to be the most powerful man in the world even if the first time was through
' hanging chads ' and the second time by Karl Rove inspired Swift boat veterans misinformation. The US never tires of telling the world what a great democracy it is even though women, who make up 53% of the polpulation, never make it to the White House and, in most states, the NRA has veto power over who may get elected. The present incumbent got in through his gift for hot air even though he is perilously lacking in any experience. In the US elections are won by how many countless billions of dollars you can raise and then spend on television advertising. In India guns play a prominent role thus giving criminals the upper hand. Many in Delhi claim to be white but do their dirty deals through chamchas who are a form of spineless lowlife ready to carry out any act of self abasement or mass murder to be rewarded by the winner. People serving jail terms for crime are allowed to stand for elections and often win because of loyalty by an electorate of illiterate beggars grateful for freebies doled out with taxpayer money. The depressing fact is that democracy is still the best form of governance. We desperately need citizens' corporations to keep democracy in check.

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