Thursday, October 08, 2009

Seems that Arab countries held secret meetings with China, Russia, Japan and France to end oil trading in dollars. Although denied the news depressed the dollar and gold prices jumped. If the slide in the value of the dollar gets out of hand the US will be impoverished. Imports into the US will drop while a weak dollar will encourage american exports. The Arabs, with their oil, will not feel it much. China and Japan have trillions of dollars which will lose value and exports to the US will stop throwing millions out of work. The Arabs probably want a weaker US so as to continue jihad across the world unhindered. However without US support the corrupt emirs will find their people impossible to control. The Russians want a weak NATO so as to be able to dominate their neighbours but the economic might of the EU will restrain any thought of military adventure. The Chinese want to conquer and enslave the world but without the american consumer may suddenly find that they have little money to finance their malevolent designs. The US has not used its financial and military powers wisely and a lot people want them to be brought down to size but a world where foaming, fanatic jihadis or Chinese cockroaches are running wild without any opposition is surely a horror out of hell.

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