Saturday, June 20, 2009

The Supreme Leader, Khamenei, has blamed the ' evil British ' and the ' evil Zionist media ' for the troubles in Iran and not the blatant stealing of the elections and the subsequent murders to cover up. This in a theocracy that believes in chopping hands for theft and in hanging as a punishment for murder. Before that it was the Great Satan during Khomeini's time. Mao's China blamed the running dogs of capitalism and capitalist lickspittles. Reagan found the Soviet Union an evil empire while Bush wanted to sort out the axis of evil. Mugabe is surviving by blaming evil neo colonialists led by the British. Evo Morales of Bolivia described the killing of indigenous people in Peru as genocide and Peru retaliated by calling him an enemy. Hugo Chavez regularly describes the US as a regional bully. China is described by its neighbours as a hegemon which is true. All these people describe themselves as leaders while they strut around on the world stage indulging in name calling like stupid schoolboys. Perhaps we should follow Sacha Baron Cohen and call all of them ' batty boys.'

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