Friday, June 05, 2009

Seems that Sri Lankan President Rajapakse's mother did not teach him the simple lesson which is that if you tell a lie then you have to tell many more lies to cover the first one. Truth is that Mr. Rajapakse's lie is a whopper and his efforts to cover it is gradually leading him into a dark alley of no return. Sri Lanka has consistently claimed that no civilian was killed as a result of heavy bombardment of the safe zone. The government did not allow any journalist anywhere near the conflict area thinking that it could control outflow of news. Once the refugees came pouring out there was a problem with so many eye witnesses to what had happened so it has confined to refugees into concentration camps under the pretext of looking for LTTE fighters. Yesterday it has arrested doctors who were saving lives in the conflict zone and charged them as terrorists. Their crime was to tell the media that thousands of civilians have been killed and injured in shelling which appeared to come from government forces. Mr. Rajapakse has two options. To come clean and offer compensation to Tamils for injury and death or continue to deny the truth and use increasing amounts of force on Tamils to stay quiet. On the 20th anniversary of the massacre at Tianannmen Square he can take the Chinese option and try to silence any Tamil that speaks out but he should remember that humiliating a people will not bring peace to Sri Lanka and another Prabhakaran could arise. The world does not forget. Ask Mr. Kissinger who is unable to leave the US for fear of being arrested for crimes in Vietnam. Pity, the president's mother forgot to tell him that truth is often the best option.

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