Sunday, June 14, 2009

On June 22 an exhibition on packaging will be starting at the McCormick Center in Chicago, US of A. A lot of business men and company managers applied for US visa but to the shock and dismay of all about 80% seem to have been refused. We are not talking of students who might stay back as illegal immegrants or suspicious shifty eyed fellows with heavy bulging belts. We are talking about people with high paying jobs in this country who were travelling at great expense to see what new machines or materials they could buy to improve their businesses. They may have been tempted by the rise in the exchange rate of the rupee against the dollar but that is nothing unsual. All tourists, including Americans, look at exchange rates. So why would the US refuse visas to legitimate businessmen who would have spent money in the US these recessionary times? Maybe it is to do with the Obama administation's AfPak policy wherein Pakistan has been embraced as an indispensable partner in the fight against the Taliban and Al Qaeda. Just after the Mumbai attacks the US pressured India not to react because they did not want the Paki army to divert soldiers from the Afghan front. Recently the anti Indian fellow Burns was in Delhi talking about a demilitarised border with Pakistan which means giving a clean highway for terrorists to enter India. How they can have the effrontery to come to our country and say that no matter how many Indians die American lives are more precious I do not know. Sadly our craven politicians will still bow and scrape. When Obama was elected I wrote that blacks are no less racist than whites. It is no comfort to be proven right.

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