Sunday, June 28, 2009

Pakistani cricket captain, Younis Khan, has called on his players to demand more money to play in the IPL. I really fail to understand why any Pakis should be playing in the IPL at all. There are a lot of people who say that politics should not intrude into sport or art so Pakis should be treated the same as others. There are others who say that people to people engagement will improve understanding and end decades of hostility. Firstly, it is not about politics. Whether you are a cricketer, a film star or a singer you are first an Indian. You are born of the womb of this country and, therefore, must not have anything to do with enemies of this country. Secondly, you may engage with Pakis till doomsday but they will continue to be our enemies. Their school books are full of lies and teach them to hate India, their mullahs teach them that hindus and jews should be exterminated and their armed forces need the hysterical hostility with India to justify their hold on power and the economy. These are facts and whistling in the wind will not change them. We should drop all contact with Pakis at every level. We have nothing to lose but individual Pakis will lose millions. It is just possible that some among these might start challenging the lies put out by the establishment. Thank God the Chinese do not speak any Indian language otherwise they would have taken over this country with the help of these idiots.

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