Sunday, June 21, 2009

Every country in the world seems to have a large number of humans, mainly men, who are parasites and survive by preying on that society from inside. We are not talking about romantic psychos like the Baader Meinhof gang or murderous psychopaths such as Al Qaeda but about ' followers ' or, as is commonly known in India, chamchas. These men appear normal, will probably be employed and give very pursuasive reasons why they follow but, in actuality, they are ruthless, lacking in any form of morality and ready to carry out any act, however depraved, for the men they follow. We are seeing practical examples in Iran in the form of black shirted Basij militia who are so ready to kill and wound even when professional police hold back. We have the same men in Bengal, killing and burning for the CPM, called cadre. Same men are seen dancing like demented baboons when Congess wins elections. Same men regularly tune into Rush Limbaugh, swear that guns are religion and think that Ronald Reagan was a prophet. Same men are Zanu PF veterans hacking opponents of Mugabe with machetes. These parasites are present in every human society. They are physically healthy and capable of work but would rather attach themselves to a politician. They will carry out any order, take the blame if caught and do anything to bring victory to their chosen master. Once that is accomplished they will hope to be rewarded with riches that they could not accumulate with honest labour. That is why the word democracy is so beloved of every villain from Mugabe to Kim il Sung to Khamenei.

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