Monday, April 06, 2009

Saw the Doha Debates programme on the BBC, the motion was ' Should the US get tough on Israel.' There seems to be an increasingly prevalent idea, promoted mainly by european countries including Britain, that if sufficient pressure is applied on Israel for it to negotiate a ' two state ' solution then there will be peace in the middle east which will deprive Al Qaeda and Iran of the oxygen of propaganda and bring about an end to terrorism. It is hard to believe that leading politicians and diplomats can be so willfully blind. The two state solution has not brought peace to India. For over 60 years the sole purpose of the Pakistani state has been to preach death against India. India helped Bangladesh when the Pakis were killing and raping but today most terrorist attacks involve elements of Hu Ji. Saudi Arabia is a staunch ally of the US and the house of Saud survives because of US support but it does not stop them financing madrassas in Pakistan which recruit fighters to kill US forces in Afghanistan. The truth is that an independent Palistine will be an existential threat to Israel because its government will be a member of the UN and will be able to buy arms legitimately. Israel will be permanently at war against an enemy which will use its sovereignty to bring in foreign fighters and deadlier weapons. Truth is that to the jihadis Hindus are kafirs and Christians and Jews are infidels and they will not rest until all are dead. They live to kill and will find a reason. Maybe the europeans want the jihadis to achieve what the Nazis failed to do. After all were the Jews not responsible for the crucifiction of Jesus?

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