Wednesday, April 08, 2009

The Home Minister, Chidambaram, is in good company. Along with George Bush and Wen Jiao Bao he had a shoe thrown at him although one may debate whether a pair of sneakers can really be classified as shoes. Twenty five years have passed since the massacre of sikhs following the death of Indira Gandhi but we do not have one single conviction for those killings, most of them in daylight. Last week Tytler was freed by the courts and before that it was Bhagat. Women who had been campagning for justice for years suddenly changed their testimony in court when previously they had claimed to be eyewitnesses to their husbands' murders. What threats or inducements made these women change their tune we will never know but as usual the justice system in India is shown to be useless. The courts function in cases of industrial dispute or in high value tax cases but is completely useless in protecting the ordinary citizen against crimes by the state and criminal politicians. The justice system including the police, detective agencies and courts are extensions of the state to coerce, intimidate or liquidate anyone opposing the whims of the current government. The freeloading press is the most to blame. Most of the popular newspapers suppport Congress. There are regular attacks on Modi for 2000 killed in Gujarat but not a single mention of the 5000 killed in 1984. If the press, who should be vigilant protectors of civil rights, becomes the hounds of one gang constantly snarling in the wrong direction Indian the people are being constantly misled and do not know what to think. Like lobotomised sheep we will queue up to vote in a new combination of the same scoundrels in May because of a steady drip of lies.

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