Sunday, April 12, 2009

Campaigning for the elections is in full swing. Each gang has come out with a list of promises for the good of the aam aadmi. I would wish for the following: Anyone above the age of 65 years will be banned. Term limit of two terms will be strictly enforced. Children and spouses of elected members will not be allowed to stand for elections for 20 years after the sitting member leaves. Police will be freed from political control and reformed to help the people and not function as a criminal organisation in uniform as at present. District attorney system will prevent false cases being filed. All cases must finish within two years and no side will be allowed more than two extensions. Any side unable to present its case more than twice loses automatically. Punishment for all elected politicians and government employees will be four times that of ordinary people. Any politician disrupting parliament or assembly or behaving like a hooligan loses his seat. Elected members will have to work for a minimum period failing which they will not be paid. Except

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