Friday, April 17, 2009

People in Kandhamal in Orissa voted yesterday. This is where antichristian riots took place last year after a hindu leader was killed. A storm of abuse was unleashed on hindus who were compared to Al Qaeda and various other filthy groups of pathological killers. Christian priests joined in the abuse. Television pictures showed dirt poor people living in hovels but this same area boasted 200 hundred churches all made of bricks and concrete. Clearly these were not constructed with contributions from the locals. Of course everyone forgot to mention that there are 45000 christian schools in India and that there are 55 christian holidays per year compared to, maybe, 5 or 6 for hindus. In this hill town that I live in there are christian charitable schools which bring children from Assam and Ladakh for 'education'. I am not aware of any child going on to become a doctor, engineer or chartered accountant from any of these schools. Every child becomes a student of 'theology' which means they are used to convert more people. There are many 'reverends' who live in large houses, drive luxury cars and travel abroad frequently and yet are not employed in any salaried job. Hinduism has been around for over 6000 years and has been subject to ferocious assaults by muslims and christians for centuries. Hindus do not convert so we did not seek this confrontation. These people have come here from thousands of miles away to wipe us out only because we are hindus. The stupid excuse always given is that lower castes are badly treated. They surely are but muslims in Kashmir used to be pandits. So clearly this is something else. It is the most insidious and vile form of ethnic cleansing going on for centuries. Unfortunately our freeloading, pseudosecular, Congress inspired Hindu hating press just helps in this vile process.

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