Tuesday, April 14, 2009

A few years ago a businessman in Delhi wanted to arrange marriage of his son with the daughter of a richer fellow but the girl's father would not consent because he did not consider the boy's family rich enough. Then we heard that income tax officers had raided this man's house looking for black money. Following the raid the man's standing went up so high that the girl's father immediately agreed to the marriage. The rumour was that the man had paid income tax officials to raid his house. In India today you are judged by the amount of money and power you have and morals are considered for losers and wimps. Mr. Rahul Gandhi is being built up as a future prime minister of India. I would like to see his complete curriculum vitae including education, jobs held and specialisation. But to be a successful politician and earn the respect of the business class he has to show how many billions he has made from presents given to him by his supporters. He has to show how many guns he carries and how many FIRs are filed against him for murder, armed robbery, assault and rape. Just being a nice fellow is not going to earn him the respect he needs to succeed as a politician in India. Also he would not have the requisite experience to deal with all the criminals that will be elected to parliament. Good thing is that he is young and has lots of time to build up his reputation.

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