Wednesday, February 10, 2021

We are going to be buddies because we Indians love astrologers.

"The Communist Party of China would have the world believe that even its malevolent actions against weaker smaller states are actually about the greater global good," wrote Prof Harsh V Pant. Joe Biden is now the President of the US. "A more confident China may push back harder on issues such as technology, territory and human rights," analysed the Business Standard. "The country's foreign policy has grown increasingly assertive since then (2008 financial crisis), from staking out territory in disputed waters in the South China Sea to its most recent use of Twitter to hit back at critics." "Biden needs to be wary of opening himself up to attacks that he is soft on China if he rolls back import tariffs and other steps taken by his predecessor." Since inauguration Biden has passed over 40 executive orders reversing as many of Trump's policies he can. From counting illegal immigrants, to opening immigration from Muslim majority countries, cancelling the Keystone pipeline carrying crude oil from Canada to the US, allowing transgenders to serve in the military, cutting off funding from the border wall and allowing people to use bathrooms of their choice. 'Cancel culture' maybe acceptable in millennials and younger generations but is hardly suitable as state policy, especially of a powerful nation like the US. While removing any obstacle for immigrants from countries supporting terrorism he is not allowing refugees from Honduras to get through Guatemala. His excuse -- they may carry coronavirus. Keep the refugees in a camp at the border for a quarantine period, check them for the virus and then let them in. He has backed away from a US takeover of a Chinese app TikTok which has enormous information on US citizens. During Trump's 4 years in office there were two Muslim attacks, one in New York killed 8 people and a Saudi aviation student killed 3 in Pensacola, whereas During Obama's 8 years there were numerous Islamist attacks, including the Boston Marathon bombing, 14 killed in San Bernadino and 50 killed in Orlando nightclub shooting. Biden won because 57% of women voted for him but feminists are being labeled trans-phobic because they are unhappy about having to share bathrooms with a man who thinks he is a woman. Democrats have managed to pass a $1.9 trillion stimulus bill through the Senate with the help of a tie-breaking vote by Vice President Kamala Harris and Biden wants the minimum wage to be raised to $15 per hour. The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office calculated that a $15 minimum wage would reduce poverty by 0.9 million workers but will increase unemployment by 1.4 million. Ultra loose monetary policy by the Federal Reserve, increased minimum wage and the stimulus will result in high inflation, wrote Richard Cookson. Biden has barred Trump from receiving intelligence briefings because he finds Trump to be erratic. So far Biden has shown himself to be petty, vindictive and void of any ideas. "In 2006, he said, my dream is that in 2020, the two closest nations in the world will be India and the United States," said Secretary of State nominee Anthony Blinken. Does that mean that in 2006 Biden knew he would be president in 2020? Indians love astrology and astrologers.     

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