Saturday, September 12, 2020

Detailed dossiers will not cure illnesses.

 "With the possibility of a shortage in ICU beds and rise in active Covid cases, the Delhi health department Saturday issued an order asking 28 private hospitals to reserve 80% of their total ICU and HDU beds for Covid patients." What happens to other medical emergencies like heart attacks, strokes and accidents? Should they just die without treatment? "Further, the circular stated that the hospitals listed are allowed to increase their total bed capacity by up to 30% and are to be used for Covid patients only." Where are the hospitals going to find doctors and nurses for those extra beds? "As many as 264 doctors have died of Covid -19 so far across the country, according to Indian Medical Association (IMA)." A report by the American Heart Association said that "deaths are increasing from causes such as heart disease, stroke and diabetes" because "people with other ailments may not be seeking help". "New York City experienced the biggest jumps, including 398% rise in heart disease deaths and a 356% increase in diabetes deaths." The arbitrary order is all the more surprising because, "India's Covid-19 mortality rate stands at 1.7%. For context, the same rate is about 3% in the US, 11.7% in the UK, and 12.6% in Italy, according to Johns Hopkins University." India has 2.7 million patients with tuberculosis (Tb) and 421,000 die of it every year. Concentrating only on the coronavirus could raise the incidence of Tb to 6.3 million cases with 1.4 million deaths by 2025, wrote Ragini Saxena. "More than a million children have missed crucial immunizations and hospital births have shown a sharp decline, indicating many women have gone through unsafe childbirth at home. Outpatient critical care for cancer plunged 80% from February levels, government data show." "In 2019, at least one student died by suicide every hour in India. The year recorded the highest number of student suicides, 10,335, in the past 25 years for which data is available." "As high as one in seven Indians suffered from mental disorders of varying severity in 2017," a study showed. Of a total 197.3 million with mental health problems, 45.7 million suffered from depression and 44.9 million from anxiety. So, apart from arrogant orders, what is the solution to healthcare disaster? "Every Indian will be issued a health ID that will act like a healthcare account, storing details of all the tests done, existing diseases, diagnoses, medicines prescribed," announced Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Taking advantage of the coronavirus epidemic the government quickly tried to force Indians to download Aarogya Setu app which would allow it to track people's movements. Connect all this to Aadhaar and the government has a complete dossier on every citizen. The KGB and the Gestapo would drool. 

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