Sunday, August 19, 2018

'Sampo' generation maybe the solution to earth's problems.

"An increasing number of South Korean women are choosing not to marry, not to have children, and not to have relationships with men. With the lowest fertility rate in the world, the country's population will start shrinking unless something changes," said a BBC article. "Rather than be part of a family, I'd like to be independent and live alone and achieve my dreams," said Yun-hwa, a web comic artist. She thinks married women are slaves of men. This is called the Sampo Generation. "The word 'sampo' means to give up three things -- relationships, marriage and children." South Korea has a fertility rate of 1.2, which means children per woman, as have Singapore, Hong Kong and Moldova. About 1% of India's population is single. They are 28-42 years old, live in cities and earn more than Rs 50,000 per month. They are know as 'super consumers' because of their ability to buy expensive things. 15.6% of urban households consist of one or two people. Younger people live in smaller apartments, value experiences more than possessing material goods, do not like clutter and are concerned about the environment. Being somewhat minimalist, even if not fully so. In 2011, 35% of rural families had two wage earners compared to only 26% in urban areas, and of these 42% of rural families were double-income-no-kids, or DINKs, compared to 22% of urban families. Unfortunately, the number of such people is small, so the population of the world is still growing. Scientists have worked out mathematical models predicting an end to intelligent life on earth because of the damage being caused by human beings. Or there could be a massive war to end the 'long peace' after WWII. With today's weapons most of living organisms, including humans, could be wiped out. Rumor has it that North Korea has developed biological agents for a future war, which include plague, anthrax, viral hemorrhagic fevers and smallpox. Viral hemorrhagic fevers cause outbreaks regularly and, except for yellow fever, no vaccines exist for the others at present. A vaccine for Ebola virus has been developed but is as yet not available for general use and there are several Dengue vaccines but are indicated only for those who have already suffered an episode of Dengue. Smallpox was officially eradicated in 1979 so there is no immunity to the disease and vaccine production has stopped. "The quality of human life is, contrary to what many people think, actually quite appalling," said David Benatar, who is an "antinatalist", which means he believes that human beings should stop having children. It is hard not to believe this when we see children begging by the roadside. Even radiation is less dangerous than humans as Chernobyl shows. Perhaps the women of South Korea are showing us how to save the earth.

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