Tuesday, December 05, 2017

Could these bits of friction combine into an explosion?

"The worry is that Donald Trump will lead the US into a nuclear war," wrote E Drew. Apparently everyone in the US is wondering "Can the United States afford to wait for Special Counsel Robert Mueller to wrap up his investigation? That could still take quite a while". Liberals are salivating at the prospect of impeaching Trump, but will that really help them? There have been attempts at impeaching presidents in recent times. "One was Bill Clinton, whose impeachment became such a transparently partisan charade that when the House filed impeachment charges against him in December 1998, he saw his popularity soar," wrote G Kabaservice. Before that Richard Nixon was forced to resign over Watergate, which saw a conservative backlash against moderates in the Republican party, brought in Ronald Reagan and polarised the nation, helping Trump win last November. "A widely accepted view is that he suffers from a narcissistic personality disorder," wrote Drew. That is surely personal prejudice disguised as high minded journalism. Couple of days back Ali Abdullah Saleh was killed by Houthi rebels, as he tried to escape from Sanaa, planning to betray the Houthis after having used them for 3 years to gain back power, when he was forced to step down during the Arab Spring. A ruthless, cunning man he ruled Yemen for over 3 decades. Saudi Arabia has been bombing Yemen for over 2 years because Houthis are a Shia group supported by Iran. This has cost a lot of money so Saudi Crown Prince, Mohammed bin Salman, known as MBS, imprisoned around 200 princes in the Ritz Carlton Hotel to force them to turn over their wealth to buy their freedom. MBS may be in a bind. What if they refuse? If he releases them with most of their wealth they can create a lot of trouble for him. So far there has been no reaction from the international community but that could change if one of the princes die under torture. The US is going to move its embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, probably as a prelude to recognising it as the capital of Israel. President Erdogan of Turkey threatened to break off diplomatic ties with Israel if that happened. A brutal dictator, Erdogan is known for his erratic behavior, having broken ties with Israel and Russia previously, only to beg for relations again. Qatar is playing an inexplicable game by going against Arab friends. Israel bombed Iranian troops and Hezbollah forces in Syria a couple of days back. In the east, North Korea just tested a missile capable of reaching the US. In Cambodia, Hun Sen has got rid of all opposition to hang on to power. A softer version of Pol Pot. Meanwhile, the International Olympic Committee banned Russia from the Winter Olympics in 2018, which seems like a political decision. The pot is simmering. It could yet boil over. 

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