Monday, May 16, 2016

The call of nature according to the law of nature?

Why is the Maharashtra government so determined to punish girls from poor families, who dance for a living in bars in Mumbai, when the Supreme Court has explicitly rejected the ban on dance bars, which was imposed by the Congress in 2005? Dance bars prevented girls from being forced into prostitution by poverty. Why waste time on persecuting poor dance girls when politicians should be focusing like lasers on the terrible drought affecting the state? Everyone understands that a drought is an act of nature and is no one's fault so this illogical behavior must be to divert attention of the people. From what? From the enormous irrigation scam which maybe a major reason for the terrible human misery. Similarly, in this year of presidential election when the US should be debating on how to mitigate the weakness in the global economy, climate change and the conflicts in the Middle East what is the hottest topic of debate? The topic creating the greatest heat is on what bathroom a person will be allowed to use. North Carolina passed a law in March which says that a person has to use a public bathroom according to the gender of his birth and not according to gender of choice. This has caused enormous outrage among liberals who see this as an affront to transgender people and want bathrooms to be gender neutral. Seeing his opportunity Obama has asked all public schools to allow students to use a bathroom of their choice or lose their funding from the government. What we do in a bathroom is intensely private and most people would be embarrassed to perform bodily functions in front of the opposite sex. More than a million people have decided to boycott Target, a department store, because of its decision to allow people to use bathrooms of their choice. As parents, we can understand their discomfort. Who would want to take their little daughter into a bathroom which is being used by a man who thinks he is a woman. Is being normal means being guilty of majoritarianism? A former transgender, who went from being a man to being a woman and is now back to being a man, disagrees with the policy of gender neutral toilets, presumably having used both male and female bathrooms. If a man is transformed into a woman surgically and has a certificate to say so that is fine, but should we allow a man to use a ladies bathroom just because he feels he is a woman. If a man is not a man there can be no rape. The liberals do not want anyone to focus on Obama's miserable record as a warmonger who gloried in killing. Ukraine has been divided, Libya is a mess and in South Sudan civil war has created a brutal famine. Instead he has a group of people to create news, just like the old Stasi used to do. Bar girls and bathrooms, are diversions to hide crimes of politicians. People swallow the fiction. 

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