Sunday, April 03, 2016

Why wait for a nuclear incident? Act now.

During a protest against Islam by far-right activists in Molenbeek in Brussels yesterday a Muslim woman in a burqa was deliberately run over by a car. The passenger even took photos of the woman as she lay on the ground. People are seething after the recent bomb attacks on Brussels airport and a metro train. Molenbeek
is where the Paris bomber, Salah Abdeslam was captured last month. Just a few months back, rallies across Europe were welcoming migrants with great enthusiasm, except Hungary, which has been against them from the beginning. Then reports of rapes started pouring in, beginning with Cologne in Germany, along with terrorist attacks on Paris and Brussels and suddenly there is growing anxiety in Europe about the wisdom of allowing in so many migrants. Yesterday's hit and run on an innocent woman will be used as evidence by Muslims who see themselves as victims. Just as Pakistan claims to be a victim of terrorism rather than the planner, organiser and supplier of terror attacks, especially against India. The mystery is not that they keep attacking us, the real mystery is why we let them. We even allowed a bunch of these scoundrels into Pathankot Airbase but, as expected, they denied any proof of their involvement. We should declare Pakistan a terrorist state, cut off all contacts, build a fence along the border, lay land mines along the fence and shoot at anything that moves. The Chinese love them so channel the scum north into China. The trouble is that there are a lot of apologists for terrorists. The UN Commission on the Status of Women has named Israel as the worst offender against women's rights and not Saudi Arabia or Iran, or even China, which are the countries with the highest execution rates, with no exceptions for women. The policy of appeasing terrorists resulted in the Paris and Brussels attacks, because they were allowed to move around without restriction. Authorities are in a bind. They have to try to calm people's fears or else there will be more attacks against Muslims. The European Union was conceived to stop wars between European states by uniting people in a sort of commonwealth with free trade, free movement of people and a common currency in the Eurozone area, which earned a Nobel Peace Prize in 2012. No one foresaw that Jihadists will take advantage of this peaceful union to carry out terror attacks. The trouble is that by trying to minimize crimes by migrants they lose trust of the people who believe rumors spread by social media. Vigilante groups are springing up to stop the inflow of migrants. Each country is looking to its own security, hoping to deflect terrorist rage by being politically correct. If governments do not take collective action it will burn the whole world, like global warming. But elections are more important, until a nuclear attack takes place. That will wake everyone up. Till then we must wait and watch people dying.

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