Saturday, April 23, 2016

A humble salute to our lords and masters.

Seems that India's politicians are becoming more autocratic by the day, enforcing bizarre rules to make us more miserable than we already are. No wonder India is 118th on the World Happiness Index, below Somalia, China, Pakistan and Bangladesh. Having lost in the Supreme Court the Maharashtra government has passed stringent rules to prevent a return of girls dancing in bars. By banning alcohol, tips and suggestive postures Maharashtra is using force to stop the bars from reopening. The same government has no problem when Malaika Arora earns Rs 25 million dancing in hotels during New Year eve. Presumably they serve holy water in these hotels. Apparently women in India refuse to be goody two-shoes because they are showing interest in using sex toys. Shock and horror! How does Mr Fadnavis think that India has a population of 1.3 billion? If he really wants to help women he should make it easier for them to work instead of being mean and nasty to poor women. He should concentrate on tackling serious crimes, which will keep women safe anyway. In an effort to win power by any means Mr Nitish Kumar has banned all forms of alcohol in Bihar. If he has time perhaps he would read this short history of Al Capone who built his power on bootlegging during Prohibition in the US. This ban got him votes of women and will help 'gooda raj', who are his partners in government, in making a fortune from smuggling. A toast to 5 years in power. The central government is determined not to allow doctors to settle abroad after training but has no problem in allowing civil servants to make merry in foreign lands, sponsored by international agencies. What agencies are we talking about? The CIA, MI6 or even the ISI? The logic is that the government spends a lot of money in training doctors so they must work in India to pay back the debt. A huge lie. Because of reservations most doctors are having to pay huge capitation fees to qualify from private medical colleges. They have to work night and day, as interns and residents, for their training. Doctors will be punished if they accept any gift from pharma companies. Doctors will be struck off for 3 months for a gift of Rs 5,000 and for 6 months for a gift of Rs 10,000, which is good, but civil servants can accept a gift of Rs 25,000 from friends. Maybe because they are so pure anyway. Our medical education is very poor so even if a few return after training abroad they are passing on latest knowledge to our doctors. Finally, even after paying huge taxes and tolls we are restricted from driving in Delhi by a tyrant but our trillionaire MPs can whizz through toll plazas without paying a paisa. We are vassals, they are our masters.

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