Saturday, November 28, 2015

Will Cameron sacrifice all in search of a mojo?

Prime Minister David Cameron made an impassioned speech in the House of Commons for permission to be allowed to bomb Syria. He strongly feels that Britain should be "part of the action" rather than "standing aside". Bombing people is not a soccer game that you would rather be kicking the ball on the field than sitting on the sidelines. You have to feel sorry for Cameron. At times he wants to be like Thatcher, who won the Falklands war, but knows that he will look ridiculous carrying a handbag. At other times he tries to imitate Churchill, when he draws down his upper lip over his teeth, while talking. Churchill killed 3 million in Bengal in 1943 when he stole our grain for British soldiers fighting in the far east. Only 30,000 were killed in the Libyan war, instigated by Cameron and  Nicolas Sarkozy of France, so Cameron wants increase his score. Britain has been playing a dirty game in Afghanistan, trying to bring together Pakistan's ISI with Afghan intelligence. That has probably fallen apart after the Taliban attack on Kunduz, which was supported by terrorists relocated from Waziristan in Pakistan. Already a number of countries are bombing ISIS held areas in Syria. Russia started bombing in September and France has joined in the fun since the attacks on Paris. With bombs raining down on poor Syrians what difference will a few more British bombs make? Bombs do not come cheap. Seems that each bombing mission costs an estimated 1 million pounds. While cutting billions of pounds from the welfare budget, which hits poor people, Cameron can find money to kill. He talks of bombing ISIS terrorists, but do bombs, no matter how smart, distinguish between a terrorist and a child? This succession of wars has resulted in hundreds of thousands of people fleeing to Europe. Only a fraction of migrants are true refugees, trying to save their lives, the majority are economic migrants from Bangladesh, African countries, Iran and Pakistan. Pakistan is the epicenter of terrorism in the world today and the mastermind of the Paris attack slipped in with refugees from Syria. There is growing backlash against refugees in the whole of Europe and as countries put up barbed wire fences to stop the inflow, it will result in an end to the free movement of people within the Schengen area. That could mean an end to the European Union as some countries are proposing a smaller union of core countries. The growing pressure on Britain to take in more refugees is gradually resulting in growing calls to leave Europe. If Britain leaves Europe Scotland will opt for independence. And if the United Kingdom breaks up then Britain cannot be allowed to occupy a seat at the UN Security Council. So, for the want of a mojo all could be lost.

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