Monday, July 27, 2015

Will Hillary have to pay for Obama's foreign policy blunders?

So President Obama has left Kenya, the land of his father, after a tumultuous welcome by locals, who probably see him as one of their own, someone who has succeeded in becoming the most powerful man in the world while they struggle with life in a developing country. Being an extremely versatile gasbag he lectured them on women's rights, on corruption and to reject ethnic divisions. Born of a white mother and brought up by white grandparents in the balmy climes of Hawaii does he really understand what life is like in Africa? Does he understand what life is like for blacks in the US of A, 96% of whom voted for him in 2008 and 93% in 2012? Blacks certainly do not think that he has done anything for them. Even Donald Trump has recognised that Obama is no different. For us on the outside, who believed he would be different to the usual gung-ho presidents who talk about ' evil empires ' he has been a complete disappointment. He has turned out to be the most bloodthirsty US president in history killing over 900 civilians and at least 200 children in indiscriminate drone strikes. As he plays big daddy to his daughters does Obama ever think of the little children that he has slaughtered the same morning or a pregnant woman's belly sliced open by a shrapnel and her unborn child lying dead in the dirt. Strange that in a country so opposed to abortions, killing of children and unborn babies does not cause any unease. He was behind an armed coup in Ukraine, deposing an elected president and the formation of a fascist right wing government, resulting in a division of the country into a western Ukrainian speaking region and an eastern Russian speaking one. In an unnecessary provocation to Russia US and UK forces are holding joint exercises there. Nobody talks about hundreds of Libyans dying everyday because Gaddafi was killed in illegitimate bombing by misusing a UN resolution allowing protection of civilians, just as Saddam Hussein was killed by George Bush by blatantly lying to the UN. Obama and Bush: twin brothers. The US has become self sufficient in oil and gas from fracking and is even thinking of exporting natural gas. No longer dependent on oil from the Gulf Arab states the US has reached a nuclear deal with Iran which will allow Iran to sell its oil, further depressing oil prices. Good for us, but the US shale oil industry will lose out. Completely clueless about how to tackle the ISIS, Turkey has been begged to join in the fight. Turkey has taken the opportunity to bomb Kurdish PKK bases in northern Iraq, violating a 2 year truce. So now the ISIS is fighting Bashar al Assad, who is supported by Iran, Turkey wants Assad to go but is bombing ISIS, Kurds are fighting ISIS in Syria but Turkey is bombing the Kurds, while simultaneously bombing ISIS. Obama authorised bombing of Kurds but Americans are fighting with them. Wonderful. It is possible that Hillary Clinton will end up paying for this fellow's criminal folly? She is permanently tainted by working as his Secretary of State. Why did she do that?

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