Saturday, July 04, 2015

If Hillary was frustrated imagine our frustration.

For years we have been puzzled as to why India capitulates to Pakistan time after time, turning victory, won by the sacrifice of our soldiers, into defeat. Lal Bahadur Shastri died in mysterious circumstances after signing away all gains, won in the 1965 war, in Tashkent in 1966. Indira Gandhi returned 90,000 soldiers to Pakistan in 1971 without getting anything in return. Just 6 months after the attacks in Mumbai our then Prime Minister was in Sharm el-Sheikh on ' bended knees '. Now according to the recently released emails of former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, she was apparently frustrated by the lack of US leverage over Pakistan. Sandy Berger, National Security Adviser under Bill Clinton wrote," Are there measures that the Indians could take that would reduce Pakistani anxieties about the Indian front and thus better enable them to focus on threats to the East, including AQ and anti-Indian militant groups like Lashkare-Taiba?" Was this baboon serious? Did he not know that school children in Pakistan are taught to hate India? Berger wanted India to resort to " information sharing on troop movements that would reduce uncertainty and support a Pakistani public narrative for a shift in emphasis from India to militancy..." Does the US inform its enemies about its troop movements? The result was that Pakistanis sneaked into Indian territory in 2013, killed 2 soldiers, beheaded one and carried off the head as a trophy. " In particular, they seem to be more reluctant to target AQ where it is nestled with groups they want to cultivate in the event we ' leave ' Afghanistan and they need influence there." Of course they do. This idiot does not seem to know that they learnt from the US, as these pictures of Ronald Reagan being pally with Afghan mujahideen in the White House prove. He then advised that aid to Pakistan under the Kerry-Lugar Act should continue. " Blunter measures of coercion, like conditioning assistance, are more likely to be counterproductive," was Berger's opinion. That means the US would continue to provide all aid without any reciprocal reduction of terrorism from Pakistan. The US had no hesitation on instituting sanctions on Iran and lately on Russia which is much more powerful than Pakistan. The world's most prolific serial killer, Obama invited himself to our Republic Day celebrations this year to pressure Mr Modi not to respond to aggression by Pakistan. ' Counterproductive ' for what? What is it that the US wants from Pakistan? Maybe Christian US is supporting Muslim Pakistan to wipe out Hindus from India. After all these are the only 2 religions in the world which engage in conversion. The frustration is why we keep giving in. Did Nehru and Gandhi sign away our freedom? 

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