Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Bombing the periphery is no solution. Bomb the source.

The US has issued a travel advisory to its citizens against travel to India for fear of being attacked by Lashkar-e-Taiba, on behalf of the ISIS. Really? Where is the LeT based? In Pakistan. This just a couple of days after the terrorist attack on Gurdaspur killed 6 people. It was only due to pure luck that a slaughter of women and children was avoided. Where did these scum originate from? From Pakistan. Afghan government sources are claiming that the Taliban leader, Mullah Omar died 2 years ago of tuberculosis in a hospital in Karachi. Where is Karachi? In Pakistan. Osama bin Laden was killed in Abbottabad. Less than a mile away from the Pakistan Military Academy. In Pakistan. It is ludicrous to say that bin Laden organised the 9/11 attacks while hiding in a cave in Tora Bora in Afghanistan although he may have financed it. Only one intelligence agency had the motive to mount those attacks, and it has to be the ISI. The mystery is why the US continues to support Pakistan with money and arms and applies pressure on India not to retaliate, no matter how many Indians are killed by terrorists. The US poured vast sums of money into the ISI to get the Soviet Union out of Afghanistan. It succeeded. The Soviet Union has disappeared but, for all its bluster, the US was made to flee from Afghanistan with its tail between its legs, by the Taliban, with US weapons, supplied by the ISI. Pakistan has embraced China a far deadlier alternative. Some in the US recognise that the mess in Libya is purely due to the illegal killing of Gaddafi just as the mess in Iraq is due to the illegal killing of Saddam Hussein. The gunman who killed tourists on a beach in Tunisia was trained in Libya. Large numbers of economic refugees are flooding into Europe through Lybia, provoking a fear of infiltration by ISIS fighters. Global economic growth is going to be erratic so ethnic disturbances precipitated by unemployment and poverty are a real possibility. Terrorists affiliated to the ISIS killed scores of people on the Sinai in Egypt. When Erdogan's party lost its majority in parliament in elections in June there was great rejoicing that he would not be able to increase his powers. Kurds won seats in Turkey's parliament for the first time, raising hopes for peace between Turkey and the Kurds. No longer. The US has reached an agreement with Turkey to use its airbase to bomb ISIS in Syria and to create a buffer zone along the Syrian border. Turkey promptly used this opportunity to bomb Kurds in northern Iraq. Obama supported Turkey's bombing of Kurds, showing that he is completely confused about friend and foe. Killing ISIS will not solve the problem. Others will take their place. As long as Pakistan exists.

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