Monday, April 13, 2015

It is a tightrope for Hillary Clinton.

So, Obama thinks that Hillary Clinton will make an excellent president but will not endorse her, in case any of his friends also decides to stand as candidate for the presidential elections in 2016. That is quite in character with his slimy nature. He was an unknown senator in 2008, his only claim to fame being that he had voted against the Iraq war. People voted for him because it was politically correct to do so. Here was a black man who was not a threatening black, his mother was white and he had been brought up by his white grandparents. His father was a Kenyan Muslim but he had converted to Christianity, showing he had good sense, and had qualified from Ivy League colleges of Columbia and Harvard Law School, showing that if a black man stayed away from drugs and crime and went to church he could achieve the ' American Dream '. So white people, especially the young, could vote for him to show how broad minded they were. In 2012, Bill Clinton's rousing speech at the Democratic National Convention rallied the base and contributed to his winning a second term. In return his wife, Michelle calls Hillary a ' Hildebeest ', which means ' depraved '. Republicans were blamed for the government shutdown that resulted from their refusal to fund Obamacare and have to be careful in how they attack Obama because it maybe seen as racist. No such concern need restrain them when it comes to Hillary. Anticipating her candidacy in the 2016 elections they have been attacking over the killing of Ambassador Christopher Stevens in Benghazi in 2012. Benghazi was a direct result of the illegal bombing of Gaddafi's forces, sanctioned by Obama. But for Obama, he maybe the president and the commander in chief, but the buck stops anywhere except at his door. And that may have been the greatest mistake by Hillary: To be the Secretary of State in Obama's first term. She will not get any credit if the economy continues to improve or if Obamacare is a success but she will be tainted by his inept handling of foreign policy. She cannot repudiate him altogether, like Al Gore tried to do with Bill Clinton because of the Monica Lewinsky scandal, but she has to show that she is different from a gasbag. If she wins the nomination a lot will depend on who the Republicans choose to stand against her. If it is a Tea Party loony she will have an easy time but any credible candidate will make it tough. With women outnumbering men she should have a good chance but as the last attempt showed women will not vote for her just because she is a woman whereas blacks voted en masse for Obama only because he is black. Hopes are that she will be much better for India than Obama who keeps supplying arms to Pakistan. We wish her luck.

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