Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Ordinary people are the same everywhere.

Journalists have to eat and to do so they have to dish out words, not just any words but different from the next fellow, which is not easy. How many different ways can you say that the BJP victory in the state elections in Maharashtra is only because the opposition votes were divided, the lack of a simple majority shows that people do not really want the BJP, the BJP is winning by polarising people along communal lines, there is no Modi wave, Modi has raised expectations so he had better perform, or else, and the Congress is losing only because it is unable to tom-tom all that it has done for the country? Then there are the Clever Dickies. One fellow has tried to lampoon Modi's experience as a tea seller but he tried too hard to be funny and so fell flat. Another fellow opted for the ' None of the Above ' option because no one was worth voting for. With the economy in a sorry state, war in the middle east, an Ebola epidemic in west Africa and the global economy teetering on the edge he did not think that he should vote for an honest politician, an intelligent politician, capable of making decisions, or a politician who would put the country before family. One fellow has resorted to outright abuse about how Hindus, with their round faces, are so ugly. Perhaps he has a magic mirror which tells him how handsome he is everyday. One article has tried to analyse the reason for Modi's success and suggests that every party should get someone like him. Someone who has ideas, works very hard, not for personal gain but for the country, and is a master at getting his message across. But how do other parties get someone like Modi. One of the most important reasons why people trust him is because he does not favor his family and has no children to promote, unlike other politicians. Children of politicians are brought up in extreme luxury due to the endless free amenities given to politicians on taxpayer money. They may have obtained some degree paid for by their dads, usually have never tried for a productive career and have a sense of entitlement to high office, regardless of achievement. People reason that if Modi has no one to build statues to him when he is gone then he has to work hard to build his own legacy so that he can leave behind a strong and wealthy country. Ordinary people throughout the world want steady jobs with regular incomes, low inflation, low crime rates, good education for children, affordable healthcare and an adequate pension in old age. Abusing Modi or the BJP will not work because people reject the alternative of handouts, reservations and massive scams.

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