Wednesday, April 16, 2014

In God we trust but the devil we support.

' In God We Trust ' is the official motto of the US since 1956 and is on the official seal of the US, under the bald eagle. However, having reposed their trust in God the Americans have chosen to sup with the devil, that is Pakistan, for the last 60 years. Now Pulitzer Prize winning journalist of the New York Times, Carlotta Gall has written a book called ' The Wrong Enemy: America in Afghanistan 2001 to 2014 ' in which she says that rather than being a friend Pakistan has been helping the Taliban to kill US and NATO soldiers all along. She also says that Osama Bin Laden was hidden by the Pakistani government and now Ayman al Zawahiri is also hiding in Pakistan. Wow, how blind can the Americans be? In 2004 Benazir Bhutto, former Prime Minister of Pakistan said that Bin Laden would be found in the then President Musharraf's basement. She may have been joking but you do not make such jokes about the president of your own country unless there is some truth in that. Jesus said," Having eyes, do you not see? And having ears do you not hear?" No one is more blind than those who have eyes but choose not to see. Not just the Taliban, the ISI in Pakistan organised and financed the 9/11 attacks. The financing may have been done through the Bank of Credit and Commerce which was functioning till 2002 in spite of being under investigation for fraud and money laundering. The CIA had numerous accounts in the bank through which they financed the Iran-Contra affair and the Afghan Mujahideen, to fight Soviet forces. That maybe why Islamists have always maintained that the US was responsible for the 9/11 attacks. While supplying Pakistan with unending amounts of money and arms, with which to kill Indians, the US wants to apply trade sanctions on India for various perceived infractions. The US political establishment has always been hostile to India despite holy words about supporting democracy. That we know. What is impossible to understand is why our politicians repeatedly allow Pakistan to get away with murderous crimes under US pressure. Just 6 months after the attacks on Mumbai our Prime Minister was in Sharm al Sheikh shaking the bloody hands of the Pakistanis. In fact Dr Manmohan Singh wanted our army to give up its advantage on the Siachen Glacier with the ' blessing ' of Ms Sonia Gandhi.
Thankfully he was so weak that no one obeyed his orders. The Americans my trust in God but someone up there is definitely protecting India from the devil.

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