Sunday, April 13, 2014

Gandhi would have recognised this India.

Mr Ramachandra Guha is a famous historian with a masters in Economics, a management degree and a long history of teaching in prestigious universities in India and abroad. He studied in Doon School, which is also the school where Rajiv, Sanjay and Rahul Gandhi studied, and at St Stephens College in Delhi. But has Mr Guha ever met really poor people at first hand and talked to them about their lives? Has he ever treated a patient who had no money for simple blood tests and could not afford the best medicines because of the cost? He cites an incident in 1916 when MK Gandhi ( no relation of The Family ) speaking at the opening of the Benaras Hindu University in Varanasi derided what was " certainly a most gorgeous show " and the assembled " richly bedecked noblemen " because " millions of the poor " could not be there. Gandhi said," There can be no spirit of self government about us if we take away or allow others to take away from the peasants almost the whole of the results of their labour. Our salvation can only come through the farmer. Neither the lawyer, nor the doctor, or the rich landlords are going to secure it." That was the time when Marxism was reaching its zenith with the October revolution just one year away. India was under the brutal tyranny of the British who were different with their white skins and red faces. Today, one hundred years on, Marxism has been a proven failure, the British have been replaced by the Congress Party and we allow Pakistanis to kill our citizens on orders of the United States. But the biggest calamity for this country is that the population in 1916 was 254 million while today it is 1200 million, four times as much. It is impossible for any country, no matter how rich, to distribute handouts to so many people. Many countries have tried but the results have been uniformly disastrous. Venezuela, with the largest oil reserves in the world, is facing shortages of basic essentials like meat, toothpaste and toilet paper, all because of the socialist policies of Hugo Chavez. The society has been divided into those who want the economy to revive and those who want the handouts to continue. Armed ' Chavista ' thugs on motor bikes go around killing people who protest. Things are not as bad in India but could be unless the colossal waste of money is stopped. As people have got poorer the rich have got richer as they have cornered land and resources. The only way to reduce poverty is to increase the value of people by cutting off supply. Reduce population.

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