Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Common sense is not conspiracy.

Around 54 days back, on 8 March flight MH370 disappeared from radar and ostensibly from the face of the earth. At first the search was concentrated on the Gulf of Thailand but was called off after a few days when no debris was discovered. Then we were told that the plane climbed to a height of over 40,000 feet and then came down to 5,000 feet as it turned west across Malaysia towards the Straits of Malacca. Then a British company, Inmarsat announced that its satellite had received signals from the plane's engines for several hours after it had disappeared from radar but could not pinpoint its location. Engineers calculated that the plane had flown for 7 hours to the southern Indian Ocean, 2,000 km west of Perth in Australia, where it had either crashed into the sea because it ran out of fuel or had been deliberately crashed. By the second week planes from many countries converged on Perth and flew out to look for debris. This is where the whole thing became surreal. All this frenetic activity without any logic. First, it would have taken meticulous planning to evade security at Kuala Lumpur airport, take control of the aircraft and go through intricate maneuvers to fool radars of several countries. There had to be a motive and the persons who carried it out would surely want the whole world to know their grievances. Secondly, the insides of planes are made of plastic and passengers would also have stuff that would float on water. Debris from the Fukushima tsunami in 2011 has floated across the Pacific to reach the west coast of the US. Thirdly, what is the point in planes flying 1000 km to the suspected crash site to look for debris. They can only look for a short time because they will need fuel to get back. Why were ships not sent out to detect the distress signals from the 2 black boxes of the plane until 4 weeks had passed and the batteries were running out. The relatives of passengers suspect that the Chinese government shot the plane down, maybe over southern China, and the whole thing is a cover up. They dare not protest against their own government so they are protesting violently against the Malaysian government to force out the truth. Now some people are saying that the plane could have landed somewhere. What we said right at the beginning. We also said it might have landed in Aceh in Indonesia because that region is against the government in Jakarta. It could not have landed in any other country for fear of China. Only Islamists can defy the Chinese government. Not conspiracy theory. Just common sense.

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