Thursday, April 24, 2014

Are we Bengalis all communists? Is it in our genes?

An article by one Abhijit Banerjee lists so many reasons why the BJP will not succeed in improving the economy destroyed by the Congress. Who he? He is the Ford Foundation International Professor of Economics and Director, Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab, MIT. There he is, sitting in the home of capitalism, like Nobel Prize winner, Amartya Sen, writing against the BJP and supporting the Congress. " I must say that while I absolutely do not believe that we as a nation are doing too much for our poor...," he writes. Why do these experts not understand that you can never eradicate poverty by encouraging the poor to have more children by endless numbers of social schemes? Perhaps Prof Banerjee could read another article in the same paper which compares Gujarat with Kerala which, along with Bengal, has been the home of communism in India since independence and is apparently held up as an example by Prof Amartya Sen because of its social indicators. In Kerala, as in Bengal, industries have been scared off, their are no jobs or opportunities and the ambitious cannot wait to leave. Finally, referring to the protests against corruption, Prof Banerjee writes," ...I am not sure that even Modi's 56-inch chest will be able to withstand it." Almost all Bengalis are fiercely political, often without any knowledge, but the self-conceited ones, who consider themselves more intellectual because they work in the west, are virulently anti-Modi. They seem to have swallowed the western propaganda against Modi, not realising that for some unknown reason western countries, led by the US, do not want India to prosper. The US spouts sermons about democracy but supplies arms to Pakistan which is the epicenter of terrorism in the world. It is very hostile towards Russia, a democracy, but kowtows to China, which crushed demonstrators under tanks in Tiananmen Square and has strictly enforced a one-child policy for over 3 decades. That is one of the reasons why China is the second richest country in the world today. While the Communist Party brutally crushes any dissent it practices a primitive form of capitalism dependent on land grabbing and control of resources. Bengalis living abroad seem to have developed a unique form of tunnel vision through which they view India. While enjoying the benefits of rich capitalist states they recommend socialist policies which will keep us poor forever. If they are still Indian citizens then they are traitors and if they are no longer Indians they should shut up. We decide.

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