Thursday, September 01, 2011

News reports these days are full of pictures of famine in Somalia. Especially harrowing are pictures of scrawny, apathetic children too weak to cry. These pictures are meant to stir pity in people so that they contribute more money to charity. But will that help? Firstly, food prices are already high all over the world and aid money will never be able to buy enough food to feed all the starving people in the world. Secondly, if governments start to donate some of their domestic food stocks to aid that will push up food prices in their own countries. With inflation being a concern in most countries in Asia and Africa few governments will want to exacerbate their own problems. Meanwhile in the US 58% of corn produced will be used to produce 53 billion liters of ethanol for biofuel. A Swiss pesticide firm has produced a genetically modified corn capable of producing the enzyme, amylase which will speed up production of ethanol from starch requiring less water and energy. Guardian Weekly, August 19. The result of diverting corn to the production of fuel is that the price of tortillas, a staple food in Mexico, has doubled in recent months. The only remedy to food shortage turning into global famine is to reduce the global population. Yet no one talks about reducing population. Instead the discussion is always about increasing food production by growing GM food. The " terminator " technology was developed by US defence department and handed over to Monsanto. Luckily European consumers dubbed it Frankenstein food and refused to eat it. If foreign companies control our food we will become slaves. Stop babies before it is too late.

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