Sunday, September 25, 2011

In an article " The lakshman rekha between 2G and Modi " one Manoj Mitta complains that the Supreme Court did not cross the rekha in case of Modi but had no hesitation in the 2G scam. Lakshman Rekha is the line that you never cross so why is it inviolate in Modi's case but not in the 2G scam? Oh so innocent! The writer is probably the only person in India who does not realise that these are all games played by politicians to dupe the gullible masses. When BJP was in power they did nothing to find the culprits in the Bofors case so when the Congress came to power they returned the favor by doing nothing in the Tehelka or the Kargil coffins scam. When the flurry of scams broke last year one would have expected BJP to concentrate on the Commonwealth Games scam, which was a purely Congress affair, and go after the Wide Receiver and, in turn, try to catch the Capo but instead they focused purely on the 2G scam. This tarnished the image of the Congress because the DMK is an ally of the Congress but they gained immensely from it because the DMK, having been defanged, cannot afford to withdraw support from the government. So the Congress is sure to remain in power till 2014. Thus it is with Modi. Even if he was guilty of interfering with the police and allowing rioting to proceed the Congress dare not push too hard because the riots of 1984 have still not been resolved. Congress, supported by their english press dogs, will keep on abusing Modi to prevent him being a serious challenge against Rahul Gandhi. This is why the all politicians will cooperate to make absolutely sure that the Lok Pal bill never becomes law. They will kill to make sure.

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