Thursday, March 17, 2011

So, the double murderer, Raymond Davies walks free as we all knew he would. After all he is an American and Americans grow up with the knowledge that they are allowed to murder, torture, rendition, lock up without trial, in short commit any crime without any fear of punishment. They learn from their history lessons about Nagasaki and Hiroshima, Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq and about how to use nuclear weapons, napalm, dioxin, depleted uranium, cluster bombs, land mines and, in the case of Davies, plain old hand gun. At least the Pakis dragged out the affair for sometime and put the spotlight on crimes committed by Americans while our ministers accompanied Andersen to the airport and gave him hearty send off after the Union Carbide massacre. There have been riots in Pakistan as religious fanatics have tried to attack US consulates. The government, which is already deeply unpopular, will be under even greater pressure and Zardari's days could be numbered. The news must have excited Nawaz Sharif so much that he has apparently been admitted to hospital with chest pains. However, the Americans may have made a long term strategic error by publicly bullying the Pakis to release Davis by holding up aid. The civilian government is weak. The army controls much of the economy and desperately wants control of Afghanistan so that they can continue to target India. The ISI is infiltrated with jihadists and there are disparate groups of crazy fanatics who will be enraged and hurt Americans elsewhere. Americans may end up losing a lot of lives in exchange for one. Sometimes brain is better than brawn.

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