Saturday, March 26, 2011

First tell a whopping lie, then get your propaganda channel to repeat it endlessly and people will start accepting it as truth. David Cameron and Sarkozy claim to be bombing Libya apparently to save innocent civilians. The BBC endlessly repeats the lie in every news bulletin. We hear a voice of some Dr Sinbad from Benghazi who confirms that hundreds of women and children have been killed and wounded by Qaddafi's aerial bombardment. He then thanks the British for bombing Qaddafi's forces and pleads for it to continue. The truth is that the allies are supporting the eastern tribes in a civil war against Qaddafi's western tribes. We see heavily built armed men who are fighting against Qaddafi and told that their arms are no match for Qaddafi's forces. Occasionally we see a burnt out wreck of a truck but till date we have not seen any modern tanks or other military hardware. On rare occasions a plane would drop a bomb but far away from residential areas probably as a warning to the rebels. The allies, on the other hand, are using cruise missiles and bombing Tripoli from the air. We are never shown how many civilians they are killing who are probably being dismissed as " collateral damage " as has happened in other places. If the eastern tribes do manage to defeat Qaddafi there is every chance that they will slaughter those of the western tribes and anyone they suspect of having been in the army. How will the allies stop such a massacre if it happens. Will they start bombing Benghazi? Will Cameron and Sarkozy be tried as war criminals? Sadly Amnesty International and the International Criminal Court are controlled by whites so the villains will escape.

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